Nelson Chamisa’s resignation: A blow to Zimbabwe’s youth hope and political frustration.

Zimbabwe’s opposition leader Nelson Chamisa resigned from his CCC party two years to after its formation. The resignation made the country’s youth more disillusioned and frustrated with the opposition party.

In a statement, Chamisa said the CCC party has been “contaminated, bastardised, hijacked.”

Chamisa, 45, an ordained church pastor and trained lawyer, is popular and appeals to the young people in the country, with people under age 35 making up more than 60 percent Zimbabwe’s population.

The country’s youth are the hardest hit by the economic crisis, characterised by unemployment and hyper-inflation.

The news of Chamisa’s resignation triggered a growing sense of discontent, frustration, and despair. Talent, 32, said he had thrown away his vote.

“I don’t have confidence in CCC. I feel our efforts waiting in long voting queues have gone to waste. I partially blame the CCC for not setting party structures, not strategizing well to stand against Zanu PF as well and for lack of unity direction on the top leadership,” said Talent.

“I am disappointed with the opposition party and in Chamisa. We did our part, cast our vote. The resignation feels like betrayal,” said Susan Saki.

As Zimbabwe’s youth look towards an uncertain future and political instability, many are leaving the country in search of opportunities elsewhere.

“I am leaving. There is no hope here, the economy and politics are not working. I am going to look for a future elsewhere,” said Rutendo.